You can also install a language by clicking Install desktop applications. This is where you can view the status of any installations and install desktop applications. Some permissions may be managed by your organization. This is where you can manage whether certain apps can access your user data. If the emails go to Inbox when you turn off the rules, it might be caused by one of the rules. This is where you can change your Microsoft 365 password (if your organization allows it) and manage your contact preferences (if enabled, these settings let you control what kind of communication you get from Microsoft). If you are an Microsoft 365 Business user, it is suggested that you go to Outlook Settings > Rules and turn off all rules to see if it is related to any rules you created. For Outlook version: Open file tab > Office.

If misunderstand your issue, request you to kindly provide us screenshot about your issue and Outlook detail version information, so we can help to check further.
In this video you will learn how to customize the view in outlook and also how you can arrange the emails. For Tool bar missing > click on View tab and in the bottom right side of the box, select Down Arrow symbol and check if it helps. See What Microsoft 365 business product or license do I have? for more information. How to Change View Options in Outlook - Office 365. This is where you can find out which Microsoft 365 for business products or license you have. Your organization might not allow you to make changes to this information. This is where you can see your basic contact and account information. Depending on how your organization is using Microsoft 365 for business, some kinds of settings might not be available for you to change. The following table summarizes the settings that might be available to you and what you can do when you configure settings. Make any needed changes to your settings, and then choose Save. To view your account information, select your profile photo, and then select View account.

Select Settings and customize Themes, Notifications, Password, Contact preferences and Dark Mode. Sign in to Microsoft 365 with your work or school account. In Registry Editor, locate and then click the user settings subkey in the registry: HKEYCURRENTUSER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\setup or the group policy subkey in the registry: HKEYCURRENTUSER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\setup Point to New on the Edit menu and then DWORD (32-bit) Value. If you don't have Windows 10, try using the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.Ĭhanging your settings in Microsoft 365 for business or education We recommend using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. To change your account settings for one of those subscriptions, sign in with your Microsoft account at. This article applies only to Microsoft 365 for business or education, and not Microsoft 365 Family or Microsoft 365 Personal.